For online businesses, traffic fluctuations are unavoidable and may occur at both predictable and unexpected times. In order to provide a service that is consistently high performance with minimized cost and effort, it is crucial to deploy an architecture that automatically scales in response to traffic volume changes.
This solution allows you to automatically adjust the compute capacity in response to traffic fluctuations; helps you maintain a fine balance between performance and cost using scaling rules; provides high availability and fault tolerance by evenly distributing ECS instances across zones as the compute capacity is scaled; supports database scaling to meet increased data demands; and supports Redis caching across zones to ease the load on the database.
- Featured Products
Elastic Compute Service (ECS)
High-performing virtual servers
Simple Application Server (SAS)
Elastic GPU Service
Elastic Desktop Service (EDS)
Object Storage Service (OSS)
Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN)
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Domain Names
- New Products
Container Compute Service (ACS)
A cloud computing service that provides container compute resources that comply with the container specifications of Kubernetes
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Intelligent Media Services(IMS)
Edge Security Acceleration (ESA)(Original DCDN)
Intelligent Media Management
DingTalk Enterprise
Alibaba Cloud Model Studio