Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to adopt simple deployment models when migrating applications to the cloud. For example, they may choose to deploy the entire environment on a single server to quickly set up an application. This single-server deployment is straightforward to implement but does not allow component isolation and is not horizontally scalable. In the longer term, the deployment may not be able to match business demand.
Alibaba Cloud makes it easy for SMEs to transform a single-server deployment and take advantage of cloud computing, including separate application and database servers, reverse proxy load balancing, Redis caching, accelerated content delivery, and auto scaling. You can add a separate database server to a single-server deployment to avoid resource competition between the database and the application. You can create a duplicate of the existing application server and achieve load balancing between the new and existing application servers.
- Featured Products
Elastic Compute Service (ECS)
High-performing virtual servers
Simple Application Server (SAS)
Elastic GPU Service
Elastic Desktop Service (EDS)
Object Storage Service (OSS)
Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN)
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Domain Names
- New Products
Container Compute Service (ACS)
A cloud computing service that provides container compute resources that comply with the container specifications of Kubernetes
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Intelligent Media Services(IMS)
Edge Security Acceleration (ESA)(Original DCDN)
Intelligent Media Management
DingTalk Enterprise
Alibaba Cloud Model Studio