Saturday, January 20, 2018, 09:00 - 18:00 GMT
England, United Kingdom
Keen to take on something new in 2018? Alibaba Cloud & The Met Office invites you to a one-day hackathon that will:
Wanna know more?
It’s the year 2050.
The invention of anti-gravity engines has led to the creation of unmanned balloons that travel the UK, delivering goods.
However, unpredictable weather conditions mean that these balloons are often delayed, damaged or even destroyed(!), so we need your help.
We’re inviting you to join our contest AND our hackathon to create an algorithm which allows these balloons to get to their route safely and effectively.
Sign up for the hackathon (individually or in teams) and we will give you the details to sign up for the contest so you can get a headstart and use the hackathon to your (unfair) advantage.
Can’t make it to the hackathon but keen to join the contest? Email us at
You can work on the algorithm wherever you want, so why go to our hackathon? Two main reasons:
1) More cash prizes!
2) A better chance at winning the overall prize.
You will also get the opportunity to meet one of our data scientists, network with fellow contestants (who knows, there may be some interesting folk!) and eat/ drink to your heart'scontent. We will ensure to set the place up to maximise ‘brain-time’…don't forget to bring your laptop though!
Hackathon Agenda
All sessions are ‘walk-in’ sessions and optional, to support you however far you have progressed with the Challenge.
9:00 – 10:00. Breakfast & setup. Contest registration support is on hand as well.
10:00 – 10:30. Introduction to the Challenge, including top tips.
11:00 – 13:00. Troubleshooting walk-in/ support.
13:00 - 14:00. Lunch (drinks & snacks will be available throughout the day)
14:00 - 14:30. Acceleration workshop, includes top tips on how to get your algorithms submitted.
14:30 – 17:00. ‘Acceleration’ walk-in/ support.
17:30 - 18:00. Prize awards and closing speech.
Future Challenge – Overall contest winners:
1st prize*: $8,000
2nd prize: $5,000
3rd prize: $3,000
*Plus a trip to Barcelona to attend the winners’ ceremony at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and a week long visit to the world-renowned Met Office Informatics Lab.
The Hackathon – Top of the leaderboard by the end of the day:
1st prize: $800
2nd prize: $500
3rd prize: $300
Bonus Prize - Top of the UK event attendees* leaderboard by 31st January:
1st prize: $1,000
*Only accessible to teams that attend this hackathon or our UK university events (approx. 100 teams in total).