Free Key strategies to secure your business

#Meet Up

Key strategies to secure your business

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

Key strategies to secure your business

Alibaba Cloud
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Understanding how key strategies would affect your business, working lunch provided

Security threats are ever changing and pro-active measures are essential to safeguard a business’s success and survival. Reducing your risk against DDoS attacks, data leakage and malicious traffic is critical to allow your organization to achieve its goals and prosper. In this session we discuss what key solutions are available and key things that have changed in recent years.

What you will gain from the session:

·        As understanding of the new security threats affecting business today and what prevention measures can be used to address them

·        Comparing the market

·        Risk and implications – legal requirements of organisations in Australia and New Zealand

       Case Study: A blackmail case study into hacking a Melbourne business

C- Limited seats are available and a working lunch will be provided