Free Alibaba Cloud Day: Business-driven approach to cloud computing adoption

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Alibaba Cloud Day: Business-driven approach to cloud computing adoption

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Day: Business-driven approach to cloud computing adoption

Alibaba Cloud
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What do you need to know when taking your enterprise to the skies?

Alibaba Cloud X TechData

Cloud adoption was accelerated during the pandemic period, but organisations find that amidst this disruption, that managing cloud spending becomes more demanding than ever. A survey reveals that over 30% considered their cloud spending wasteful, and 80% found managing their cloud spending a challenge. Moreover, a third of businesses experience cloud budget overruns of up to 40%, and 1 in 12 companies overspends by more annually. One of the key reasons for cloud overspending in many organisations is that most companies are grappling with an unfamiliar cost model for IT and lack a deep understanding of how to manage them in their business operations.

In this session, we will uncover the following:

• Why setting a strategic approach with a forecast of consumption and creating budget expectations is important for a robust cloud cost management plan.
• How defining the key metrics of costs incurred outside of the initial cloud budget could help track and stay on top of your spending.
• Gain buy-in from the organisation, including key stakeholders, to drive accountability.
• Look for ways to reduce spending, whether from unused resources or scheduled services.
• Consider automation in cost optimisation to configure your resources, operate more sustainably, scans usage for inefficiencies, and bring the proper support to your IT Team


1830 - 1900 | Registration
1900 - 1915 | Opening Remarks
1915 - 2000 | Fireside Tech Chat
2000 - 2030 | Transition Journey
2030 - 2045 | Q&A
2045 onwards | Cocktails and Dinner