Free Alibaba Cloud Day - Summer social GBR

#Meet Up

Alibaba Cloud Day - Summer social GBR

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Day - Summer social GBR

Alibaba Cloud
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You will have the opportunity to join a private tour at Tate Britain, catch up with your fellow colleagues, and enjoy drinks and buffet at the local bar with a view of Thames River on Millbank

Alibaba Cloud request the pleasure of your company at our special Summer Social event on the afternoon of Thursday 8 September 2022 (2:30pm - 7.30pm) in Tate Britain & The Morpeth Arms along the River Thames.

We hope you will join us for this private customers’ event - a good summer afternoon of great British art and great British beer - where you will also have the chance to hear more about the positive impact we have been making to the UK Higher Education sector.

You will have the opportunity to join a private tour at Tate Britain, catch up with your fellow colleagues, and enjoy drinks and buffet at the local bar with a view of Thames River on Millbank.