Free Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB For Hbase

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Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB For Hbase

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Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB For Hbase

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Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB For Hbase

ApsaraDB for HBase is a cost-effective cloud-based intelligent NoSQL database service with high scalability and compatibility with the open-source HBase. It is a stable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective database solution. It stores data in key-value pairs and wide tables. It allows us to store data sets of all sizes. It can scale out its capacity to process petabytes (PB) level of data and tens of millions of queries per second (QPS). Key Takeaway Introduction to NoSql Databases Introduction to ApsaraDB for HBase Creating HBase Cluster Accessing the HBase Cluster.