ApsaraChat goes to Cambodia

#Meet Up

ApsaraChat goes to Cambodia

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

ApsaraChat goes to Cambodia

Alibaba Cloud
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Join our ApsaraChat workshop and gain insights into our essential products capabilities.

Complimentary Workshop

Technology disruption has been paving wave and reconstructing today’s business landscape and infrastructure. Alibaba Cloud- the cloud from Alibaba Group, empowers businesses with its multitude of products to innovate and extend business possibilities.

Learn how Alibaba Cloud technology has empowered Alibaba business growth to reach 800 million users and achieved US$ 32.15 billion total revenue during Double 11 in 2018 with 1.04 billion orders.

Join our ApsaraChat workshop and gain insights into the following:
1) Alibaba Group: Empowering Alibaba business growth- Learn about how Alibaba grew from 0 to 800 million users through technologies behind Double 11

2) Alibaba Cloud for Fintech - Gain industrial insight on trends in Fintech and learn how to build a scalable and agile platform on the cloud using Alibaba Cloud technology while being cost efficient in your business.

3) Alibaba Cloud for Retail- Learn the rapidly evolving trend of new retail and how you can leverage Alibaba Cloud Data Analytics to enhance business efficiency and unlock your business potential, learn the success behind Taobao and Tmall.

4) Alibaba Cloud Fundamentals: Find out how APAC No. 1 provider stands out against leading providers such as Microsoft and Amazon Web Service in the suite of products such as compute, storage, database, security and networking.

5) Architecting with Alibaba Cloud Platform: A hands-on demonstration and learn how to set up the cloud services on Alibaba Cloud Platform

8:30am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 9:10am Opening
9:10am – 9:30am Alibaba Group: Accelerating technology innovation with Alibaba Cloud
9:30am – 10:00am Alibaba Cloud for Fintech
10:00am – 10:20am Break
10:20am – 10:50am Alibaba Cloud for Retail/eCommerce
10:50am – 12:00am Alibaba Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infra
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm – 3:00pm Architecting with Alibaba Cloud Platform: Hands-on demo*