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Indonesia Cloud Academy Live- Session 1 - Function Compute & Serverless Computing

Thursday, Apr. 16, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM UTC+7:00

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At Alibaba Cloud, we put our customers first in everything that we do. Due to the growing concern around the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are transforming our academy event into Cloud Academy Live: a free, full-day, live online event to be held by Alibaba Cloud Indonesia technical team experts. This digital event is designed for technology professionals looking to explore cloud infrastructure, data analytics, serverless computing, cloud security and AI. We will also cover tailored Cloud solutions to combat the COVID-19 outbreak including data visualization, online video solutions and DevOps solutions. Register Now for Free and we look forward to seeing you online.


Session One: Function Compute & Serverless Computing: Building the Next Generation Cloud-Native Applications

Building Enterprise-grade serverless cloud applications to deliver business logic and actionable intelligence. Learn how to make the best of a fully hosted and serverless running environment that takes away the need to manage infrastructure such as servers and enables developers to focus on writing and uploading code.

All Sessions of Indonesia Cloud Academy Live

Time (UTC+07) Topic Speaker
09:00 - 10:00 Function Compute & Serverless Computing: Building the Next Generation Cloud-Native Applications -Max Dasuki
10:00 - 11:00 Kubernetes and Alibaba Cloud's high-performance Container Service -Eric Purwoko
11:00 - 12:00 Alibaba Cloud Security Solutions - Protecting Your Data on the Cloud -Gin Zhu
13:00 - 14:00 Alibaba Cloud Data Warehouse and Data Visualization -Alex Zhang
14:00 - 15:00 Diving into big data - Alibaba Cloud EMR Hadoop -Eggy Tanuwijaya
15:00 - 16:00 Quick Start guide of Machine Learning and Data Analysis in Alibaba Cloud -Derek Meng


  • Max Dasuki

    Solutions Architect Lead, Alibaba Cloud

    Max Dasuki adalah Arsitek Solusi Utama di Alibaba Cloud, yang antusias terhadap peluang yang diciptakan ketika bisnis kecil dan menengah merangkul cloud dan menjadi digital. Dia telah membantu pelanggan dengan merancang solusi yang sangat skalabel dan hemat biaya pada platform cloud.

QA section

  • 1. Q: Tentang Func Compute, jadi itu yang disediakan apa sdh termasuk paket VMnya, dan OS nya untuk yg custom Runtime. Contoh dibutuhkan GO, jadi yg hrs dipick adalah function compute atau ECS ?


    Jadi konsep Function Compute adalah serverless computing, di mana anda tidak perlu membeli Elastic Compute Service (ECS) terpisah yang mana adalah produk Virtual Machine (VM) kami.

    Mungkin untuk konsep bisa dilihat di sini untuk tambahan:

    Jika ingin menggunakan custom GO runtime di Function Compute bisa dengan contoh seperti ini: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/132053.htm

    Di lain pihak, kita juga tetap menyediakan ECS untuk VM, yang mana user bisa me-manage OS sendiri dan install apapun jika diperlukan: https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/ecs

  • 2. Q: Untuk paket Function Compute, selain debian, apa support os lain, spt Windows Server?


    Untuk Function Compute sendiri bukan Virtual Machine. Jika ingin menggunakan OS sendiri, bisa lihat di produk Elastic Search Compute (ECS) kami: https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/ecs

    Di Function Compute, hanya tinggal menjalankan Function spesifik, jadi secara general tidak masalah OS apapun di belakangnya.

  • 3. Q: kenapa method handler antara yg contoh pertama dgn contoh ke-2 berbeda (parameternya)?


    Penamaan parameter bisa disesuaikan jika diperlukan, content di dalamnya akan tetap sama.

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