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Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018 | 6:00 PM - 12:00 PM UTC-8:00
Frequently the case is made that security is the chief concern organizations face when migrating to the cloud. And it makes total sense: if you take your data, your digital assets, and you move them to a far-away, undisclosed location, you lose your control over them, and you expose them to security risks. There is a strong logic to this explanation. However, this is not the correct logic. Alibaba Cloud’s recently published security report, CyberSphere, takes on the challenge of refuting one of the biggest fallacies of cloud security and suggests an alternative, data-supported argument. In this webinar, we discuss the main reasons and the supporting data that makes the case that rather than being a weakness, security is in-fact a strong advantage of cloud computing over traditional, on-premise solutions. If you make security investment decisions, or if you’re just interested in learning about recent cybercrime trends as identified by Alibaba Cloud then this webinar is for you.
Yohai Einav | Yuriy Yuzifovich
Yohai Einav, Staff Algorithm Engineer | Yuriy Yuzifovich, Head of Security Innovation Labs
Yohai Einav is a principal researcher and security evangelist at Alibaba Cloud. Mr. Einav’s research focus is the economy of cybercrime and data-driven threat detection. He published various security articles and reports for leading security companies, such as Symantec, Verisign, Akamai and Alibaba Cloud, and was quoted by publications such as Businessweek, USA Today, Fortune and others. Yuriy Yuzifovich is leading Security Innovation Labs of Alibaba Cloud, building data-driven algorithms that address security challenges within Alibaba Cloud. Before Alibaba, Mr. Yuzifovich led data science and security research at Nominum and Akamai. He is a co-inventor on multiple U.S. patents in cybersecurity, IoT, and data analytics, and regularly publishes in professional and scientific magazines.
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