Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM UTC+8:00

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Thursday Nov 15,2018

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM UTC+2


For practical demonstrations, the course will utilize TensorFlow Playground, an interactive web application installed on an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance. This platform allows users to visualize and experiment with neural networks in real-time, enhancing the learning experience.
This course offers an in-depth exploration of neural networks, emphasizing their biological inspiration, historical development, architecture, and practical applications. Participants will examine the structure and function of artificial neurons, gaining insights into how neural networks emulate human cognition and tackle complex problems, playing a vital role in classification and regression tasks.
Additionally, learners will explore the use of pre-trained VGG16 architecture, a deep convolutional neural network model, for image classification tasks. This hands-on approach will provide practical experience in applying neural network models to real-world problems.


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  • Jawad

    Alibaba Cloud Academy Training Advisor

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