Free ApsaraChat Singapore | Database Symposium

#Meet Up

ApsaraChat Singapore | Database Symposium

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

ApsaraChat Singapore | Database Symposium

Alibaba Cloud
Register now

This is one of our ApsaraChat Singapore events showcasing the latest from Alibaba Cloud in database products and solutions.

The phenomenon of Singles’ Day (also known as Double 11), the world’s largest online shopping festival, is recorded to reach 2.5 times larger GMV than both Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US, combined. In 2018, with the support of Alibaba Cloud, the new worldwide record on the number of placed orders per second was increased again to 491K/s.

Join us on October 16 for a free database symposium and take a deep dive with Alibaba Cloud’s top database experts into the technology backbone behind Double 11 event.

We are also delighted to unveil our latest advancement in our database technology, ApsaraDB for POLARDB. It is the next-generation relational database service that supports large-scale workloads six times faster at 1/10 the cost.

You will be amazed at how Alibaba Cloud database services empower Double 11 shopping festival by providing a highly scalable, stable, and reliable database services, especially during the unpredictable traffic spikes, without incident.

09 : 15am - 09 : 45am Registration
09 : 45am - 10 : 00am Welcome Address
10 : 00am - 10 : 30am Database Overview and Customer Success Cases
10 : 30am - 11 : 00am New Product Launch – Polar DB and Success Cases
11 : 00am - 11 : 20am Tea Break
11 : 20am - 11 : 50am Security in a Data Driven Digital World
11 : 50am - 12 : 20am Realizing Business Value with Alibaba Cloud Analytics and Data Intelligence
12 : 20pm - 12 : 30pm Closing

Date & Time
Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 09:15 - 12:30

AXA Tower, Lazada's Visitor Centre LVL 1 Singapore
8 Shenton Way, Singapore, Singapore, Central, Singapore

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