Free ApsaraChat Bangkok

#Meet Up

ApsaraChat Bangkok

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

ApsaraChat Bangkok

Alibaba Cloud
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ApsaraChat Bangkok

ApsaraChat Bangkok

Alibaba Cloud is revolutionizing the way how data is being managed, shared and leveraged for customer insights - with significant cost savings, improved efficiency and unparalleled cross-system/version support.

At this event, explore how you can leverage Alibaba Cloud's products to further accelerate your business.

Some benefits you can look forward to:
Pay-as-you-go model - up to 47% cost-savings
Widest platform and version support
Almost unlimited capacity to expand
AI and Machine Learning Technologies

Event Schedule

  • 3.00-3.30pm Registration
  • 3.30-4.00pm Introduction of Alibaba Cloud Thailand, Tyler Qiu, Country Manager
  • 4.00-4.45pm Demo of Alibaba Solution sharing by Nassal, Solutions Architect
  • 4.45-5.30pm Q&A and Networking
  • 5.30-6.00pm Closing

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