Free Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest Malaysia 2019


Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest Malaysia 2019

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest Malaysia 2019

Alibaba Cloud
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The Create@ Startup Contest was first held in 2015, as a series of contests for global entrepreneurs sponsored by the Alibaba Group.

Are you a tech startup? Growth enabler? A digital transformer? Here is your chance to connect with key business leaders and VC’s in Europe and China, win a sponsored trip to the Alibaba Group HQ in Hangzhou and enjoy international media exposure.

Introducing… Create@ Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest

The Create@ Startup Contest was first held in 2015, as a series of contests for global entrepreneurs sponsored by the Alibaba Group. This is a competition among the best startup entrepreneurs in the technology field, sponsored by the Alibaba Innovation Center (AIC), in collaboration with international media, venture capital investors, partners and business leaders from around the world.

What We Are Looking For: Radical Change

We are looking for true digital transformers and disruptors, startups with a recipe for radical change.

It’s our Group’s mission to make it easier to do business anywhere, so we will be looking for startups with international ambitions. In fact - entrepreneurs looking to expand to China should be particularly interested in the contest for a chance to connect to a network of key China-based VC’s, business leaders and the Alibaba Group ecosystem.

In 2019, the competition will fully promote the technology innovation ecology, focus on industry innovation, and lay out in the two hot areas of “new retail” and “AIoT”. With "one" data platform, "two" experimental industries, and "one hundred" new industry applications as the goal, the government, Alibaba and all sectors of society will innovate to create deep industrial blocks and promote exchanges of innovative forces at home and abroad to become an important force in global innovation.

This year this contest is held at two cities at Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. You can choose one of the city to participate.


阿里巴巴 “诸神之战”全球创客大赛起于2015年,是由阿里巴巴集团旗下阿里云发起的面向全球的科技大赛品牌,旨在发掘全球最具创新力和发展潜力的优秀创业团队和科创项目,培育良好的产业生态。这是全球规模最大的创业赛事之一,覆盖全球十多个国家近百个城市,被誉为创投领域的“奥运会”。


过往四届诸神之战硕果累累,2015年覆盖8座城市,1374个项目报名,8支团 队估值2亿美金;2016年覆盖17座城市, 574个项目,18支队伍估值20亿;2017年覆盖27座城 市, 2368个项目,27支队伍估值35亿。2018年,3013个项目报名,覆盖33座城市,300+投资机构参会,全球总决赛63支海内外团队项目总估值超75亿美金,多个优质参赛项目落地举办地,得到了全球多地创业者和举办城市的一致肯定。








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