Media Solutions Workshop

#Meet Up

Media Solutions Workshop

Hosted by Alibaba Cloud

Media Solutions Workshop

Alibaba Cloud
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Alibaba Cloud has a well-established customer base in the Media sector in both China and overseas and would like to introduce the best practices of media digitalization to Indonesian enterprises.

Alibaba Cloud, one of the largest public cloud providers globally, provides an intriguing, agile and scalable cloud platform for managing media workloads across content creation, delivery, and distribution, along with customer insights.

After successfully serving media platform to many digital media companies in China and as official Olympic 2020 Partner, Alibaba Cloud brings the Apsara Media Services Platform to Indonesia.

Join us for an exclusive workshop with the industry’s top experts to find more about how Alibaba Cloud is transforming the Media industry and explore:

● Why 'The Cloud' is the new standard for digital media workflow?
● How to build a scalable and reliable metadata content platform, and manage multiple tiers of storage?
● What are the key factors to generate advanced media tracking and analysis, and build customer insights?

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