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Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM UTC+1:00
Connaissez-vous le Double 11? Au cours des 68 premières secondes du 11 novembre de l'année dernière, les acheteurs ont dépensé 1 milliard de dollars sur les plateformes d'Alibaba, et ont fait main basse sur les produits électroniques, les articles de luxe et même les voitures. À la fin de la journée du festival de shopping, les ventes sur ces plateformes ont atteint un record de 38,4 milliards de dollars. Au pic du trafic, elles ont enregistré un record de 544 000 commandes par seconde. Tout cela s'est déroulé non stop de bout en bout grâce à l’infrastructure et aux technologies du cloud !
Dans ce webinaire, nous vous dévoilerons les secrets de nos technologies derrière ce plus grand festival de shopping au monde, ainsi que nos solutions qui vous permettront de développer votre business en Chine.
Last year, in just the first 68 seconds of November 11, online shoppers spent a total of US$1 billion on Alibaba's e-commerce marketplaces, purchasing goods ranging from consumer electronics to luxury items and even cars! By the end of the 24-hour shopping festival, the sales across Alibaba's various shopping platforms achieved a record-shattering US$38.4 billion. At peak traffic, Alibaba's platforms supported a record of 544,000 orders per second. All of this took place with "zero downtime", thanks to its cloud infrastructure and technology!
But how well do you know about the technologies of Double 11? Join us in this webinar where we will introduce our secret technologies behind the world's largest shopping festival, as well as our solutions that are perfectly suited for your ambition to scale up your business in China.
• La digitalisation du retail en Chine et faits saillants de Double 11
• Décodage technologique: solutions et user cases
• Comment approcher les consommateurs chinois
• China's Retail Landscape and Double 11 Highlights
• Decoding Technology : Solutions and Case Studies
• How to Reach Your Consumers in China
Lead Solution Architect Alibaba Cloud
Yanchao is currently working as the Lead Solution Architect in Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International in Paris, France. He has more than 10 years of experience in Cloud Computing, IT Enterprise Architecture, and DevOps. He is currently most interested in empowering and helping enterprise clients from different domains (especially retail and media) to fully utilize the advantages of cloud computing and data-powered innovations from China while helping European customers on their China journey.
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