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SAP將與阿里雲舉辦「提升零售客戶體驗」網上研討會上,深入討論數字化轉型如何幫助零售企業減低疫情帶來的衝擊, 分享包括淘寶、天貓“雙十一購物狂歡季”的新零售方案、大數據最佳實踐方案,SAP強大的OmniChannel解決方案,幫助企業加深對現有和潛在客戶的了解,快速發掘商機從而提高客戶接觸率及推動營業額
Retail Supply Chain Overview and Challenges 10 min
SAP Retail Crystal Ball for Omnichannel solution during COVID-19 Pandemic 20 min
Alibaba Cloud's Best Practices in E-Commerce 15min
Data-Driven Retail Transformation 15min
Andrew Ling
Director of Value Advisory
SAP Hong Kong
Mike Luk
Senior Solution Manager
SAP Hong Kong
Matthew Lee
Solutions Architect
Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Hong Kong
Leo Lin
Senior Big Data Solutions Architect
Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & Philippines
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